Sunday, September 30, 2012

After the rain...

" The wind is up, I set my sail of songs,
Steersman, sit at the helm.
For my boat is fretting to be free, to 
dance in the rhythm of the wind
and water.
The day is spent, it is evening.
My friends of the shore have taken 
Loose the chain and heave the anchor, 
we sail by the starlight.
The wind is stirred into the murmur
of music at this time of my
Steersman, sit at the helm"
                      - R. Tagore

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Avalon Harp

So, another harp commission...this time I thought I'd give a little glimpse at my processes... :)

first roughs...just getting a general idea of what it is i want to do...

Final roughs (originally the design was for a slightly different shaped harp so I had to change things around a bit after this)

Usually I would do a colour rough but I didn't have much time so I had to jump right in! As you can see, the colours changed a bit as I went along...

finished image!

obviously the harp itself isn't completed yet, hopefully I can get some pics of the finished harp :)