Whoop, whoop! SO here is our beautiful Jools! (isn't she lovely?)
She's from the Lost Dogs Home here in melbourne and (now I'm sure every dog owner says this!) but we really think she's the loveliest dog ever!
She's about 5 years old and she's a Labrardor x great dane (we think... so she's a big girl!)
She's amazing, she has the most beautiful temperament, really mellow and sweet.
And amazingly, so far, she doesn't seem to have any major issues, apart from a bit of a mistrust of older men which is a bit sad :(
So we are really very lucky. Thinking back now, we really could have thrown ourselves in the deep end a bit as she's the first dog we've both had since we were kids and she could have had all sorts of issues that we wouldn't have found out about until we bought her home. So we are very lucky in that regard. She was also quite a bit underweight when she first came to us, poor thing. It's so strange, we have no idea why or how anyone could mistreat her and dump her. It's beyond our understanding how people can be so cruel.
But she's really settled now. She LOVES other dogs! Even if they're barking at her right in her face, she still want to play, silly thing! Sooo funny! She acts like a silly puppy with the other dogs at the dog park near us.
Look at her, what a sook, she's got us wrapped around her her little paw with her big brown eyes!

Photos by Gerard Rijs. thanks Gerry!