Phew, goodness, where have the months gone?? It seems everyone is asking themselves this same question lately...i think it's a sign that we all need to slow down in our lives...hmmm
We've definitely had a hectic few months in my household, including a big house move up to the beautiful hills of Belgrave (just out of Melbourne) I adore it up here, it's so magical...but more of that in posts to come... for now I want to share something else that's been keeping me frantically busy - my mini solo exhibition at Limerence Boutique in Belgrave!
The opening night is next week -eep! - Friday the 2nd of December 6-8pm so come along if your in the area for some art, wine and nibbles (and some chrissy shopping- Limerence also stocks the most beautiful fashion and jewelery) and the exhibition will be up til sometime (I'm not entirely sure yet..) in the new year.
I've added a few tiny peeks below, I'll go in to more detail once I have the pieces all scanned and ready to go :)