Goodbye little house in the glen, we're hill folk now...
"Up high all the birds have flown away,
A single cloud drifts off across the sky.
We settle down together, never tiring of each other,
Only the two of us, the mountain and I"
- T'ang Dynasty poet Li Po
bye, bye yellow house |
Hello house with the little blue door |
Well, it actually happened quite a while ago...October in fact, but well, I must have sloth blood running in my veins...
We now live up in the Dandenong Ranges outside of Melbourne, and it's a beautiful place to be. I've finally found a place where I feel like I'm part of a community, and it's one that's also artistic, musical and creative :)
We're in Belgrave, home of the magical
puffing billy steam train (I love hearing the train's hooting echoing across the hills) in a little cottage on the side of a hill, with a rambling garden that really needs a bit of love right about now, with fat possums in the trees (and galloping across our roof just when your on the verge of sleep..!) ancient sounding white and black cockatoos, echidnas in the gully's and platypus's in the creeks (well, I hope so..) and if recent reports can be believed, a black puma or two roaming the hills, eep!
But really rather delightful!
Earthy Pleasures Cafe - yummy - I think this is the oldest building left in the centre of Belgrave. Can be quite spooky on a dark and rainy night |
new front yard for Jools |
ok, so this one's from back in glen iris, but isn't she a sweetie? |
Love, love! :)